The Sufosec Alliance: Coordinating Monitoring & Evaluation for a Global Agrifood Joint-Programme



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The Sufosec Alliance is a consortium of six major Swiss NGOs partnering on a joint-programme to promote agroecological practices and strengthen local food systems for millions of people in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

To operate as a cross-organisation and cross-country programme, Sufosec required a monitoring and reporting tool that could be easily integrated into Alliance members’ existing M&E systems, while also enabling the instant aggregation of reporting at the project, country, organisation and Sufosec programme levels.

Following a thorough review process, TolaData was chosen to coordinate the entire Sufosec M&E process. TolaData has enabled Sufosec members to track progress across hundreds of projects globally, implemented with the support of over 250 partner organisations in as many as 34 countries.

Programme results are routinely collected in TolaData, where they are reviewed and analysed by the Sufosec Alliance M&E team before being reported to local and national stakeholders, including Swiss federal donors.

Watch our webinar: Thomas Gass and Melanie Brantschen of the Sufosec AMEL Unit provide a deep-dive into how the Alliance coordinates its digital M&E for the global agrifood joint-programme.


The Sufosec Alliance


Food Security & Agroecology




Africa; Asia; Latin America &
the Caribbean

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