Results Monitoring and Donor Reporting for a Bilateral Ministerial Project in China
Established in 2015, the Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ) serves as a hub to further technical and political exchange on agri-sector cooperation between the German and Chinese agriculture ministries. The DCZ plays a core role in the bilateral relationship between the two countries, and is cited in the German government’s new ‘Strategy on China’ as a key platform to conduct dialogue on topics of strategic interest.
TolaData was selected to facilitate indicator management, results monitoring and stakeholder reporting for the joint-ministerial project…
Multi-Country Monitoring for Rural Youth Job Creation in Sub-Saharan Africa
GIZ is implementing a programme on behalf of the German federal government to promote rural youth employment (RYE) in four Sub-Saharan countries: Kenya, Burkina Faso, Malawi and Mozambique.
RYE coordinators sought an M&E tool for data collection and aggregation to streamline the multi- country tracking at the activity, output and outcome levels. It was also essential for staff at the global programme level to be able to generate insights from disaggregated data and time-based results, and to visualise programme progress on dashboards…
Coordinating Monitoring & Evaluation for a Global Agrifood Joint-Programme
The Sufosec Alliance is a consortium of six major Swiss NGOs partnering on a joint-programme to promote agroecological practices and strengthen local food systems for millions of people in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
To operate as a cross-organisation and cross-country programme, Sufosec required a monitoring and reporting tool that could be easily integrated into Alliance members’ existing M&E systems, while also enabling the instant aggregation of reporting at the project, country, organisation and Sufosec programme levels …