Measure your project performance the right way

A comprehensive results framework and indicator plan to help you stay on top of your interventions

TolaData supports every step of your indicator plan, while giving you the flexibility to adapt it to your organisation’s workflow. Once you’ve added your projects and activities to TolaData, start incorporating your results framework and indicators into the platform. With that, you’re ready to collect data and monitor your progress.

What is a results framework?

A results framework is a visual representation of the flow of changes that you intend to deliver through your project in order to achieve your overall program goal. It is usually displayed in a box-and-arrow tree diagram with different levels, each representing a distinct change achieved through your project intervention.

What is a results framework?

A results framework is a visual representation of the flow of changes that you intend to deliver through your project in order to achieve your overall program goal. It is usually displayed in a box-and-arrow tree diagram with different levels, each representing a distinct change achieved through your project intervention.

Every organisation has its own way of defining project levels

Setting up your results framework

A key feature of the results framework is to always maintain a cause-and-effect relationship among each of its level. ‘Activities’ should result in changes at the ‘output’ level which in turn should affect the ‘outcome’ level and so on. You will always need to check each level to see if the statement holds true – “IF [activity A] happens THEN [output A] will happen”. This helps to relate and link project activities to identify their contributions in fostering broader changes in the sector.

Developing an indicator plan

Indicators are specific markers that measure the achievement of inputs, outputs, outcomes and impact of your projects. Each level of the results framework has specific indicators assigned to them to measure the success of the implementation work. This also helps to verify for example, if the output really brought about the changes in the next outcome level.

Indicators provide an objective way of showing your project achievement and are extremely helpful in demonstrating organisational success. Therefore, setting up results framework and an end-to-end indicator plan are all made very easy by TolaData.

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