An indicator is a quantitative measure or qualitative observation used to describe change. It is recommended that you follow the SMART criteria to define indicators – they must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
Indicators are linked to the objectives set in a project logframe to help measure the success and achievement of the defined objectives. They are usually linked to different results framework levels. Indicators depict the extent to which a project is accomplishing its planned inputs, outputs, outcomes and goals. For an indicator to measure change, it must have a target that defines the improvement or achievement expected to take place while the project is being implemented. This target may be numerical or descriptive in the case of qualitative indicators.
Some indicators may also have a baseline. This is a measure used to benchmark the state prior to the start of the project so that the change achieved can be appropriately calculated.
To create an indicator in TolaData, you only need to input the name and information about its target. More details can be added later.