KoBo Toolbox Overview
KoBoToolbox (https://www.kobotoolbox.org/) is a free mobile data collection tool that was specifically designed for NGOs.
The tool originated at Harvard University’s Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), and is now a joint initiative between HHI, UN OCHA, and the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
An introduction to the tool can be found here.
- Form Builder with more than 20 different types of questions available (categorical, numerical, multiple choice, ratings, open text, consent etc)., ability to add skip logic and validation, question library that allows users to reuse existing questions.
- Have the possibility for in-survey checks and calculations to increase data quality. Read more on calculations in KoBoToolbox here.
- GPS, photo, photo metadata, and map functionalities for data points for data quality assurance and data reporting.
- Option to import and export XLSforms, CSV files, Media attachments, KPL (for GPS points), Excel Analyser and SPSS labels.
- Online and offline data collection.
- Data can be entered through the KoBoToolbox web-interface or synced from a mobile app (KoBoCollect) that is available for Android devices (but not iPhones).
- Some basic data analysis and visualization features as well as monitoring in real-time.
- User access control which prevents users from accessing forms and data unless they are granted permission.
- Ability to support surveys and data collection in different languages. Status of translations available here.
- Automatically logs changes made to surveys and datasets. The changes made to the survey project are recorded and stored under ‘Show full history’.
- KoBoToolbox is an open-source ODK-based mobile data collection tool. The open-source license is copyleft.
- Can be hosted free-of-charge by an organization on its own servers or you can create a free account on one of two publicly available instances of KoBoToolbox.
- KoboToolbox’s publicly available servers are located in the EU and US, depending on which service you sign up for.
Additional features
- It is possible to integrate HXL hashtags into KoBo forms.
- KoBoToolbox integrates with the form deployment tool Enketo, which is also open-source and ODK-based.
Using KoBoToolbox with TolaData
Integration with TolaData
- Import collected data from KoBoToolbox directly into TolaData’s Data Tables via API
- API tokens are stored separately for each user, rather than for each project, so that TolaData can connect to several different KoBo-Toolbox accounts for the same organisation unit at the same time.
- Firstly, navigate to the ‘Profile’ section by clicking the blue circle icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select ‘Profile’

- Scroll to the ‘Settings’ section. Use the drop-down menu in the ‘KoBo Token(s)’ section to select the KoBo URL you use, and add your KoBo API token. you can find your KoBo API token in the ‘Account Settings’ section of your KoBoToolbox Account. When you’re finished, click ‘Save changes’.

- Once you have configured these settings, navigate to the ‘Data tables’ section and click on ‘Import table’. Select ‘KoboToolbox’ form the drop-down list

- Next, the platform will ask you to select the table you would like to use from KoBo.

- Once you have selected your desired table TolaData will import the data table, allowing you to easily add this data to your indicators.

Check out this article for more information on importing data from third-party data collection tools: https://www.toladata.com/blog/data-collection-tools-in-development-and-humanitarian-sector/