Track, monitor, and report on all your Health Projects in one comprehensive digital platform

Join the livestream on September 7th at 10:00 CET

Collect your data

Collect real-time data with ease. Use our form builder to create your own data collection forms, or enjoy easy imports from online or offline data collection platforms.

Collect your data

Manage your data

Manage your data

Collect, import, organise and analyse dataset from multiple sources, all under one roof. Your data is readily accessible at any stage of the project cycle.

Track your progress

Create a results framework and build an indicator plan to track your project’s performance with full transparency from data collection in the field to reporting your results.

Track your progress

Visualise and share results

IATI publishing and reporting made easy

Visualise and share results

Use our configurable dashboards to visualise your latest project information and share it with partners and stakeholders.

Aggregate your indicators

Aggregate the results of indicators across multiple projects in one place with the indicator aggregation feature. Get a bird’s eye view of the overall impact your interventions are helping to create.

Aggregate your indicators

Register and start your 14-day free trial

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The TolaBrief Newsletter

A monthly round-up of news and useful links on the digitisation of the sustainable development sector, from the team at TolaData

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