Auf dieser Seite geben wir Antworten zu den häufigsten Fragen zur Nutzung von TolaData.

Sollten Sie eine wichtige Information vermissen, setzen Sie sich gerne mit uns in Verbindung!


Our free trial lasts for 30 days, during which we welcome you to try us out before committing yourself to a paid plan. Simply fill out a form on our website to sign up for the free trial. 

Upon submitting the form, you will be redirected to a Thank You page which displays your unique URL on our platform. Within the next five seconds, you should be taken to the platform to finalise your registration. If that doesn’t happen, please proceed by clicking on the link in the Thank You page. You’ll receive an automatically generated email to confirm the start of your free trial.

Not at all! We don’t believe in asking for payment information where it’s not needed.

There’s no limit to the number of colleagues you can invite, so go ahead and get them on board by clicking on the „invite“ button found in TolaData’s admin console.

All the data that you and your team members enter into TolaData during the free trial will still be available after you convert to a paid plan.

Should you decide not to continue with a paid plan after the free trial is up, we will make sure that all your data is deleted from our system.


Before you commit to a paid plan, we offer you a 30-day free trial to try us out.

A few days before your free trial ends, we will send you an email reminder with more information on upgrading to a paid plan. In the meantime, please contact our sales team should you have any questions.

We offer payment options via the following credit cards: VISA, Mastercard and American Express.

Please contact us via email to cancel your subscription. Your subscription will be terminated at the end of the following month.

Our monthly subscription gives you full flexibility to add or remove licences according to your needs. If you’ve decided to stay with us for the long run and prefer to be invoiced once a year, feel free to speak to us about taking up an annual subscription!


An edit user has full permission to set up programs and activities and create dashboards.

A view-only user does not have the permission to make edits on TolaData.

Data collectors gather data through forms. They have no permission to edit any information within TolaData.

The TolaBrief Newsletter

A monthly round-up of news and useful links on the digitisation of the sustainable development sector, from the team at TolaData

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