
Understanding M&E from a specialist’s perspective

In conversation with M&E Specialist Muhip Ege Caglidil Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist Muhip Ege Caglidil talks about his experience of working in M&E. He shares the inspiration behind his career choice, some good tips and resources to advance in the sector, and reveals the current challenges, opportunities and the utmost need for digitalisation in M&E. […]

Understanding M&E from a specialist’s perspective Read More »

10 steps to successful M&E

10 steps to successful M&E Figuring out how and when to design a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan could be quite tricky, we agree! But with the right approach, and some helpful tips and tricks from the experts, you could have a lot of fun and success in planning and implementing M&E into your projects.

10 steps to successful M&E Read More »

11 features every monitoring & evaluation software should have

11 features every M&E software should have So you know you need a good monitoring and evaluation (M&E) software for more efficient and effective processes. Within an organisation, however, the needs of different employees might vary, which means what’s “good” or important for one may not be the same for another. Nevertheless, we’ve consulted with

11 features every monitoring & evaluation software should have Read More »

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