Into New Worlds by N3XTCODER

February 1, 2019

N3XTCODER, a group of socially driven techies has been influencing our generation of digital innovators to weave technology with social change to create a long lasting positive impact in the society. On Jan 30, 2019, our TolaData team had an opportunity to be a part of their annual session, titled “Into New Worlds” – Talks about the role of technology in society and for society were in the agenda.

We witnessed interesting discussions with three renowned thought leaders – Ms. Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,) Dr. Anna Herrhausen (CSR expert and Executive Director, Alfred Herrhausen Company,) and Berlin-based international artist Mr. Roman Lipski.

It was fascinating to hear about the future of digital technology and its impact on society from three unique perspectives. The keynote speaker, State Secretary Schwarzelühr-Sutter mentioned that “Digitalization and Sustainable Development” is a top priority on the Ministry’s 2020 agenda. She justified the need for it by shedding some light on the role of artificial intelligence in generating positive ecological transformations in today’s world.

On the other hand, Mr. Lipski explained how artificial intelligence has been helping him to reach a “Utopian State of Mind,” to explore creativity in newer dimensions. When the two elements mix – the result is an inspiring art with an impactful social message.

Last, but not the least, Dr. Herrhausen talked about the European approach to digitization and sustainability. Her thoughts on technology, democracy and growing urbanization around the globe planted a question into our heads – so, what kind of society do we really envision for ourselves?

The session did not fail to satisfy our inquisitive minds. We look forward to more discussions in the near future about technology and the various aspects of sustainability in the context of digitalization – and its potential and limitations to tackle some of society’s most pressing needs.

By Chandani Lopez Peralta, Content Marketing Manager at TolaData. 

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