Using multiple data collection tools? Here’s how to integrate your dataset with TolaData

August 22, 2019

Caught up in a data-silo dilemma? TolaData can help!

Do you use Ona, CommCare, SurveyCTO, KoBo Toolbox or other digital tools to collect your data? Do you store your collected dataset on MS Excel or Google Sheet? Is it difficult to bring all your dataset into one place without losing it or compromising on its quality? The struggle is real but we have an integrated solution for all your data silo problems.

Find out how to import, consolidate, analyse and report all your data in one place with TolaData, a monitoring and evaluation platform.

Mobile data collection tools - creating opportunities in the development and humanitarian sector

The phrase “Data for Development” reflects the crucial role of data in the development and humanitarian sector. Fortunately, the massive growth of technology in recent years has been improving monitoring and evaluation practices in the sector by replacing the time-consuming paper-based data collection process with effective digital tools.

There are many data collection tools available, including KoBo Toolbox, Ona, CommCare, SurveyCTO etc. These platforms are versatile and reliable. They enable users to create unique data collection forms that meet their project requirements while facilitating development professionals to discover and utilise newer and richer data sources. Data collectors are able to reach wider target groups, collect data faster, cheaper, more efficiently and shorten the gap between data collection and decision making.

Digital data collection tools also ensure good data quality with their automated data entry process and the possibility for real-time quality checks. Moreover, their offline functionality allows organisations to collect data with their mobile devices from any corner of the world and in any challenging environment.

Import data from multiple data collection tools and cloud storage systems into one platform

TolaData integrates seamlessly with many mobile data collection tools and cloud-based document storage. We also support direct import of CSV files. Moreover, you can import data from a range of services via pre-defined connectors.

So, regardless of the source or the format of your data, you can import all your data into our comprehensive M&E platform and connect them to their respective projects. All team members and stakeholders with access to your project on TolaData can see the data and collaborate in real-time. Moreover, TolaData’s in-built form-builder helps you to collect more data, in case there is a need for it.

TolaData integrates seamlessly with multiple data collection tools and cloud storage systems to bring all your data into one platform for easy analysis and reporting.

TolaData integrates seamlessly with multiple data collection tools and cloud storage systems to bring all your data into one platform for easy analysis and reporting. 

Import data from Open Data Kit (ODK) based data collection tools - KoBo Toolbox and Ona

At TolaData, we have a robust API that allows our system to connect to the APIs of a number of different 3rd party data collection tools and cloud-based storage systems.

Our interface integrates seamlessly with the Open Data Kit (ODK) based data collection tools, including KoBo Toolbox and Ona. Simply insert your KoBo or Ona API token on TolaData and import your raw dataset directly into TolaData’s Data Tables. Your data from KoBo and Ona is automatically imported as JSON feed into our system.

Import Data from cloud-based document storage systems - Google Drive and MS OneDrive for Business

TolaData connects easily with cloud-based document storage systems like Google Drive and MS OneDrive for Business. If you use Google Sheets to store and clean your data, by default Google will save your Google Sheets into your Google Drive. So, all you will need to do is connect your Google Drive to TolaData via our interface and import your data with a click of a button.

Similarly, you can import data tables stored on MS OneDrive for Business. MS Excel has both online and offline functionalities. You can import your .xls files directly into TolaData via our API. In case you work on MS Excel offline, your first step would be to save your file to your MS OneDrive for Business account and then import it into TolaData via our interface. Alternatively, you can choose to export your Excel file as a CSV and then import it directly into TolaData. Simply choose the process that works for you.

Import data from Survey CTO and CommCare

Using CommCare and Survey CTO? No problem! You can easily import your data into TolaData. First, download your dataset as a CSV file into your computer and then import it directly into TolaData. Our CSV import helper supports users to import their CSV files, allowing different formats.

TolaData for data analysis and reporting

At TolaData, we understand the value of your data. Therefore, we have built a system to help you leverage its full potential.

Our versatile toolkit supports your organisation with a complete indicator workflow. We enable you to build a results framework to visualise the most important elements of your projects, including your goals, objectives, outcomes and activities. You can take advantage of our indicator section to assign relevant indicators to all your activities. Use our form-builder and data tables section to collect, import and manage all your dataset. Moreover, our platform allows you to connect your data to your indicators to help you to track your project performance and make improvements based on real evidence.

Lastly, you could utilise our configurable dashboards to visualise your latest data and share your results in real-time with your partners and stakeholders across the globe. Dashboards open up space for real-time collaborations and ensure transparency, accountability and learning.

Interested to explore the data collection tools mentioned in this article? Just click on the links below:

Digital technology is clearly transforming the way we approach development problems and opportunities. To keep up with the evolving trends, our TolaData team continues to improve and diversify our platform, so that you can harness the latest in tech to reap the best out of your data. With that being said, we look forward to hearing about how your organisation collects and manages data and the challenges and opportunities that come with it. Let’s keep this conversation going!

Article by: Chandani Lopez Peralta, Content Marketing Manager at TolaData.

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